
About Renato

Born and raised in Machu Picchu, Renato Salazar is a Peruvian Cinematographer and Colorist graduated from the University of Buenos Aires. His strong background in photography has allowed him to develop a natural sense of visual beauty and an eye for detail.

Over years of experience Renato has created memorable work for brands such as Pepsi, Huawei, Vivo, Philadelphia, BBVA, Oreo, Sprite, Claro, Samsung, Movistar, Ritz, Coca Cola, Reebok, 7up and more.

Grading commercials, music videos and feature films for countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador, Uruguay, India and USA has allowed him to experiment, try new techniques and find his own style.

He is currently based in Buenos Aires and writing a book about his experiences around the world.

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